The first endgame Monster Hunter boss, Fatalis, is now ready to adorn your collection with a massive figure as part of the Capcom Figure Builder series.
The figure is available via the e-Capcom webstore, where it’s available for 29,700 Yen (RM1116.75 ). The Fatalis figure is set to release December of this year, and stands at a whopping 32cm in height with a massive 42cm width from wing-to-wing.
Considering the Capcom Figure Builder series isn’t to scale, they’ve still made sure that Fatalis would be the centrepiece of any collection by making it marketly bigger than other figures in the series. The website even has this pitcture of it next to the Figure Builder series Rathalos:
At the time of writing the figure is already sold out not 24 hours after its announcement, but that’s not to say the figure won’t be reproduced in future.
Fatalis is a huge part of Monster Hunter history, being the final boss for the original Monster Hunter back on the PS2. It created the archetype of the Black Dragon- the big final boss, usually with its own fanbase to boot. While bossfights usually don’t change much between versions , Fatalis was given a rework in Monster Hunter World, where it was the final boss for the Iceborne expansion.