Father Nier and Grimoire Weiss will be obtainable in mobile gacha title NieR Re[in]carnation as a skin and companion respectively. The two of them are available in the game as part of the crossover with NieR Replicant.
Father Nier is not a playable collab character in the same vein as Brother Nier (or as NieR Re[in]carnation calls him, The World-Ender). Instead, he is 4-star costume for Argo. Players can obtain this skin via the Replicant Medal Exchange.
The floating and talking book, Grimoire Weiss, is a companion in NieR Re[in]carnation. Players can get him simply by logging into the game until October 7, PST.
For those who are unfamiliar, Father Nier is the protagonist of the Western release of NieR back in 2010 for the PS3. This version of the game, called NieR Gestalt, is identical to the Japanese version, NieR RepliCant, with the only exception being the protagonist—players play as Yonah’s father instead of brother (both have identical gameplay). In Nier Replicant ver. 1.22474487139…, Father Nier is playable in the World of Recycled Vessel DLC.
Despite only being several months old, NieR Re[in]carnation has achieved over 15 million downloads worldwide.
For more details about the game and its events, follow the game on Twitter.