The Pokemon Masters team have released a new update post for January, covering upcoming content.
Mission Bingos are now in the game! Every week, there will be new Mission Bingo cards for you to complete and fill in the squares. Daily missions have likewise had their content adjusted, and new daily vouchers can be acquired by completing missions. These vouchers can then be exchanged for various in-game items.
If you haven’t already known, the Legendary event featuring Solgaleo has already begun in Pasio. Adjustments have been made since the last Legendary event. This includes balance changes to acquiring event-exclusive items and improvements to missions. There are Limited-time Power-Ups available as well, so put those to use too.
The Sync Grid will be introduced. Acquire sync orbs from battle to use in the grids to strengthen sync pairs however you like. New skills and powering up moves will be open to you in the grids. Get sync orbs by using sync moves!
Battle Villa improvements will be disclosed at a later time. The team recommends powering up pairs you haven’t used yet to prepare for the new mode. Co-op battle difficulties will continue to be tuned alongside core battle system components. Look forward to a special rally from mid-February to March to celebrate the six-month anniversary of the game! The next update is scheduled for mid-January, so let’s look forward to more information then.
Don’t forget to participate in the New Year Rally and training event for the new year!
What do you think of the January update for Pokemon Masters?