War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius (WOTV: FFBE from here on out) will be getting a crossover with Persona 5 Royal. This collaboration will be for the Japanese version of the game and will run from December 22, 2021 to January 31, 2022.
Check out the promotional video for the collab below:
Three of the Phantom Thieves will be obtainable, namely Joker, Queen and Violet. They will be available for a limited time as UR units in WOTV: FFBE, each of them even has their All-Out Attacks from Personal 5 Royal. Joker and Queen are obtainable on December 22, while Violet will be available later on January 1. You can learn more about Joker and Queen’s abilities on the collaboration website (Violet’s details will be revealed in the future).

Besides the Phantom Thieves, bosses from Persona 5 Royal will also be making an appearance in the WOTV: FFBE. Players can take on Shadow Kamoshida, Shadow Kaneshiro and Shadow Sae in new event quests.
As with most WOTV: FFBE collabs, players of the global version of the game can expect this collab to arrive in the future.
In other related news, Final Fantasy VII Remake was released on PC last week via Epic Games Store.
To stay updated with WOTV: FFBE developments, follow the game on Twitter.