PlayStation users across various console generations are currently experiencing a significant outage of the PlayStation Network (PSN), Sony’s online gaming service. The disruption is impacting users of PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, PS Vita, and even PlayStation 3 systems.
According to the official PSN Service Status page, the issues are widespread, affecting “Other, PS Vita, PS3, PS4, PS5, Web” services. The most recent update, posted at 9:21 PM ET, acknowledges that users “might have difficulty launching games, apps, or network features.”

The outage is preventing players from signing in to their accounts, accessing multiplayer games, and even launching certain single-player titles that require an initial online connection. Offline games that don’t necessitate internet connectivity appear to be functioning normally.
Users attempting to launch games on affected systems are encountering various error messages. For instance, some PS5 users report seeing “PS5 error Code WS-116522-7,” which Sony associates with a system software update failure. The official PSN Service Status page has stated that they are “working to resolve the issue as soon as possible” and thanked users for their patience. However, at this time, there is no information available regarding the cause of the outage or an estimated timeframe for resolution.

This incident occurs shortly after Sony addressed a separate bug affecting home screen artwork for PS5 games, though it’s unclear if the two issues are related. Moreover, as the situation develops, Sony advises PlayStation users to check the official PlayStation Network Service Status page for the most up-to-date information on the outage and potential resolutions.