Pokemon Masters EX has a new event starting today. The Family Ties event will run from now until September 30th, with in-game rewards as well as new sync duos.
The event focuses on Lusamine, Gladion and Lillie, three characters from Pokemon Sun and Moon as well as Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. The event’s story will have the three working on how to best battle as a trio, as per the game’s battle system.
The event will feature 17 new missions for players, as well as various in-game rewards. These include 4-Star and 3-Star Power Ups, Strike Move Candy Coins and Tech Move Candy Coins.
Moreover, three new characters will be added to the game’s roster, though not all at once. Lusamine and Pheromosa will have a limited banner from now until September 30th. Gladion and Silvally are next to be added, and will be available from 14th September. Finally, Lillie and Clefairy will be available to pull from 17th September.
Lusamine and Pheromosa’s inclusion marks the first time an Ultra Beast joins the roster for Pokemon Masters EX. Ultra Beasts are special Pokemon that appear throughout the story for Pokemon Sun and Moon. Additionally, catching the Ultra Beasts formed the game’s endgame content.