You have probably heard or seen of a video narrated with a Malaysian accent. The script paired with the video in the background provides a comedic experience for viewers especially from Malaysia and Singapore who pretty much understood where this is coming from. Nonetheless, Taro is Narrating, has made waves of fans pouring in the last month. Because of that, we took this opportunity to get an interview with him!
Taro – Momotaro in Malaysia

Taro, is a Malaysian guy with a Malaysian accent who narrates us his take on movies and even games! With him rising in popularity, we took the pleasure to have an interview with him. Though he admits that he looked like a skinnier Hideo Kojima, there was no face reveal during the interview. Instead, we have only gotten this picture:

Because his voice and Malaysian accent captured many of the media stalkers, we have requested for a voice recording of his interview. You can check it out below:
As a content creator, it is never easy as you need ideas and time (the most expensive currency) to create a content that will be published to entertain viewers. Here are some of the things Taro has to do to create his content in pictures:

Though the Taro is Narrating Facebook page isn’t that old, Taro’s comedic talent has caused a surge of fans to follow his page. Since then, he has reaped some of the rewards off from his hardwork and shared with us some of his best moments in making video contents for us:

For all the things that he has done for us, it’s not just some Tom, Dick or Harry that could do it. The contents were the fruit of Taro’s hardwork, and his work is to watch movies. Look at the amount of movies he has gone to collect that thick pile of tickets!
For those who’d still like to read it, here’s the interview in words below:
- So why Malaysian style?
I’ve try English accents and its sibeh funny as you can hear it now, so Malaysian style lo. - Why the nickname ‘Taro’?
Taro it’s originated from Japanese folklore Momotaro, its sounds so gay and long gas la if people call me momotaro so I change it to Taro. - Are you working now? If yes, how do you manage your time to make the videos?
I am currently working as a home tutor for primary school, therefore I have free time to make videos, usually do videos one day before my tutor so I won’t kelam kabut - What motivated you to start the ‘Taro is Narrating’ page?
I started doing a narration video for Avengers 1+2 to test out Adobe Premiere Pro, then continue to test out the software by adding subtitle for narrating spirited away, mana tau it booms and I decided to make that page lo. - How do you choose which content to create every week?
I choose the content based on our childhood, or what’s trending (for Tuesday gaming section) and upon major request. - So far which of the videos you created are your favorite?
I personally like The Greatest Showman because my fans actually like my singing even though its sounds like “killing chicken”, I was surprise when people say “walau taro can sing” - What are some of the reactions you get from non-Malaysian fans on your videos?
Most of them do enjoy and support my video la, however there’s also people who go against it because they don’t understand the Malaysian style, but overall its cool, I love all of them anyways. - Do you think you can you do live commentaries for games in your style?
I actually started as a game commentator on YouTube and it doesn’t work out, maybe I will try again in the future la. - If you were given the opportunity to voice act a game character, which would it be and why?
Wa, I want to be Kratos la of cuz, I can “boi” people everyday ma. - Is being an entertainer your dream?
Yes, of course, I always like to make people laugh, using my words or my face (yea face problem). - Does your family support in what you’re doing now?
My family goes against it and advise me to find a proper job for stable income, however they always “mouth yes heart no” (talk one style do another style) one la, now they support me liao because I kinda on track. - Any hints on your upcoming videos?
I narrate everything. =) - Anything you want to say to your fans?
Thank you guys for the support since spirited away until now! Thank you for loving me as a person and not only because for my video. I will make even more great content in the future to make sure u guys don’t over stressed and punch your boss or your teacher ok? *pinky promise*
- Has any girls approached you on your sexy accent?
They pm my page to give me compliments and support me! Sibeh lovely leh!
- Ever thought of narrating in an Indian accent?
I’m trying to learn! hahahaha - How long can you narrate in one breath?
Erm 2 and a half Microsoft word’s line I guess? - What’s the highest count of re-record of your narrates?
21 times haha ( cuz im too bodoh to realise there’s audacity to use)
- Since you can’t show us your face, can you tell us which famous actor/singer you look closest to?
Face reveal will be very near in the future, I just want to do an epic one to entertain my supporter! I looks like uhm slim version of Hideo Kojima (thou he is not an actor or singer haha).
Taro is a fun and entertaining person. Even when he’s off screen, he still maintains his ‘Taro’ facade with his original Malaysian accent for the interview. As Taro has just started his media stardom, we could all show some love and support for our Malaysian talent!
Like and follow his official Facebook page to be updated on his comedic weekly contents!