Pokemon Masters EX had recently kicked off a new event which introduces a new sync pair which has been added to the game.
Check out Lisia & Altaria’s EX Style and powered-up sync move!
Since they’re a tech sync pair, their sync move gets boosted by 50% when they’re raised to 6★ EX!
See below for details on how each role’s sync move is powered up:https://t.co/5z1ke6kmmf#PokemonMasters pic.twitter.com/Qp0GIuRzHu
— Pokémon Masters EX (@PokemonMasters) October 30, 2020
Event Details
Titled the Dazzling Dizzying Battle Stage, the event will be featuring the new sync pair of Lisia and her partner Altaria from the Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire games. They will be a 5-Star Tech Sync Pair and like all new additions to the game, their Sync Grid is already expanded and they can also be raised to 6-Star Ex, which will unlock an alternate outfit for Lisia (check the tweet above).
The duo will have their own Spotlight Scout with a slightly increased chance of netting the pair that will run till the 12th November.
In terms of attacking moves, Altaria will have Twister and Moonblast for dishing out damage. Elsewhere he also has Defog which clears the field of terrain effects, lowers opponents evasiveness and removes field effects from the opponents’ field of play. Altaria will also Mega evolve after using its Sync Move which replaces the move Twister with Dragon Pulse.
Altaria will also have a move called Spotlight, Please! which will cause the opponents to target the Humming Pokemon for a while alongside raising his Defence and Special Attack.
Meanwhile, Altaria has three passives that will charge the move gauge by one whenever Altaria is hit it will buff its attack the lower its HP and bring a small chance of reducing the user’s sync move cooldown.
For more information and future updates, do check out the official Twitter account of the game.