Monster Hunter Rise has a host of weapons, all with different upgrades denoted by different suffixes added to their names. After the 2.0 update, it looks like we can get a rough idea of which weapon trees could still get upgrades in future updates.
To start off, the idea of weapons being updated to add new upgrades isn’t entirely new. In Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate, you could upgrade your weapons from their low-rank counterparts to their high-rank counterparts and later on to their G rank ones, with the latter only being added in the Ultimate version of the game.
However it wasn’t until Monster Hunter World where the “G Rank” version of games were distributed as an update, rather than a whole new title. With Rise’s more aggressive updates, we could see plenty of weapon trees get upgrades in future updates, even if the G Rank version is nowhere in sight.
How To Tell If A Weapon Might Have A Future Upgrade
So every Weapon Tree’s entries have Roman Numerals next to them. For example the Kamura Cleaver has Kamura Cleaver I, II, so on. Once the weapon hits its final upgrade though, the weapon’s name drops its suffix to just become Kamura Cleaver.
However, browsing through the weapon trees, not every weapon’s final entry does this. The logical assumption is that these weapons might be getting future upgrades, using parts from monsters yet to be added into the game yet.
Above: the final gunlance in the Kushala tree (left) vs the final Gunlance in the Rathian tree (right). Note the lack of roman numerals
It should be noted that this is entirely speculation on our part, and doesn’t come from any official source. Still, we feel that the logic behind it is sound enough, especially when you consider certain weapon trees like the newly added Kushala Daora and Chameleos trees only have one weapon in the,
What Does This Mean?
The short and long of it is that weapons that haven’t finished their upgrade trees still have a chance to be better. This is especially important for weapons like Gunlance, who are very heavily reliant on having high shelling levels on their weapons. Just because a a weapon tree doesn’t have level 5 shelling right now, having an unfinished Weapon Tree means there’s a chance for it to improve in future.
Improving weapons also means another chance for better Rampage Skills, which are a core part of the Monster Hunter Rise endgame. Again, every weapon’s Rampage Skills run the gamut of being great to mediocre, so if you’re really attached to a particular weapon tree consider this a free second chance to maybe get that perfect Rampage skill down the line.
Here are the weapon trees that currently might have room for future upgrades:
- Rajang
- Ibushi
- Narwa
- Kushala Daora
- Teostra
- Chameleos
- Rampage
Like we said earlier, this is all purely speculation on our part, but we believe the math checks out. Even though the Khezu weapons probably aren’t getting any better, this would definitely be good news for anyone who’s not quite happy with the Elder Dragon weapons in Monster Hunter Rise. Only time will tell if these new weapon upgrades come in the next update, or if they’ll be coming further down the line.