Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl have been released and as an early purchase bonus, you can get three rare mythical Pokemon, Mew, Jirachi, and Manaphy, and you can get all three fairly early within the game as long as you do the right steps.
Getting Mew and Jirachi
To get Mew, you need to have a copy of Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu or Let’s Go Eevee and must have save the data of the game on your Switch account.
To get Jirachi, you must have save data from either Pokemon Sword or Pokemon Shield.
If you have these upon booting up Pokemon Brilliant Diamond or Shining Pearl for the first time, you will atomically have access to Mew and Jirachi.
From here you want to talk to an old couple in the bottom left corner of Floaroma Town. The woman will give you Mew and the man will give you Jirachi. Mew is level 1 and Jirachi is level 5.
Getting Manaphy
Manaphy is available in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl via Mystery Link but first, you have to gain access to the Mystery Link. Firstly, make sure your Switch is connected to the internet.
After your first gym match, return to Jubilife City, you’ll have to in order to progress with the main game anyway. From here head to the previously blocked-off Television Station on the left-hand side of the city.
Go to the second floor and speak to a man there. He’ll ask a question and if you answer that you want a Wifi connection, he’ll allow you to use the Mystery gift.
You can now access the mystery gift system from your menu by hitting the X button. To get Manaphy you want to receive a gift ‘via internet’. Follow the steps from there and you should end up with a Manaphy egg, which will soon hatch into Manaphy. It will be at level 1 upon hatching.
You have until February 21st, 2022 to get Manaphy. It’s still certainly easier than getting it from Pokemon Ranger like back in the original Diamond and Pearl.
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are now available for Nintendo Switch.
For more information on the game, check out our guide in the new Sinnoh Grand Underground.

Experience the nostalgia of Pokémon Diamond™ and Pokémon Pearl™ in an adventure reborn on Nintendo Switch™ systems.
The original story has been faithfully reproduced, and these remakes include easy-to-understand, player-friendly conveniences of the modern Pokémon series, plus up-close-and-personal Pokémon battle scenes.