Summon has always played a big part in the Final Fantasy series and Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is no exception. These recurring powerful entities, as the name implies, can be called into battle to fight alongside Cloud and his party. They serve as an important asset in battle for their powerful powers, especially useful in long fights against bosses.
With Final Fantasy VII Rebirth now officially launched, many fans may be on the hunt for the various Summon in the game, so here we have compiled the list of all of them and methods of obtaining them.
Chocobo & Moogle

- Role
- Deals wind damage with the Chocobo and non-elemental damage with the Moogle.
- Ultimate
- Stampede – Deals a large amount of wind damage.
- How to Get
- Available at the start of the game.

- Role
- Deals a large amount of fire damage with repeated attacks.
- Ultimate
- Hellfire – Deals a massive amount of fire magic damage.
- How to Get
- Available at the start of the game.

- Role
- Deals a large amount of ice damage with repeated attacks.
- Ultimate
- Diamond Dust – Deals a massive amount of ice magic damage.
- How to Get
- Available at the start of the game.

- Role
- Deals a large amount of non-elemental damage with repeated attacks.
- Ultimate
- Earthen Fury – Deals a massive amount of non-elemental magic damage.
- How to Get
- Unlocked by challenging it in Chadley’s Combat Simulator in the Grasslands region.

- Role
- Deals a large amount of fire damage with repeated attacks.
- Supports the party with heals and revives.
- Ultimate
- Rebirth Flame – Deals a massive amount of fire damage and heals the party.
- How to Get
- Unlocked by challenging it in Chadley’s Combat Simulator in the Junon region.

- Role
- Deals a large amount of non-elemental damage with repeated attacks.
- Ultimate
- Divine Judgment – Deals a massive amount of non-elemental damage.
- How to Get
- Unlocked by challenging it in Chadley’s Combat Simulator in the Corel region.

- Role
- Deals a large amount of fire, ice, and lightning damage with repeated attacks.
- Ultimate
- Tri-Disaster – Deals a massive amount of fire, ice, and lightning magic damage.
- How to Get
- Unlocked by challenging it in Chadley’s Combat Simulator in the Gongaga region.
Bahamut Arisen

- Role
- Deals a large amount of non-elemental damage with repeated attacks.
- Ultimate
- Gigaflare – Deals a massive amount of non-elemental magic damage.
- How to Get
- Unlocked by challenging it in Chadley’s Combat Simulator in the Cosmo Canyon region.

- Role
- Deals a large amount of non-elemental damage with repeated attacks.
- Ultimate
- Zantetsuken – Deals a massive amount of non-elemental magic damage. Most enemies can be one-shot kill with his Ultimate.
- How to Get
- Unlocked by challenging it in Chadley’s Combat Simulator in the Nibelheim region.

- How to Get
- Carries over from your previous save data of Final Fantasy VII Remake (PS4/PS5), and will be available at the start of the game provided you already earned the Leviathan Summoning Materia in Remake.

- How to Get
- Carries over from your previous save data of Final Fantasy 7 Remake: Episode Intermission (PS4/PS5), and will be available at the start of the game provided you already earned the Ramuh Summoning Materia in Remake.
Moogle Trio

- How to Get
- Pre-order bonus for players who pre-ordered the Digital Deluxe Edition.
Magic Pot

- How to Get
- Pre-order bonus for players who pre-ordered the Deluxe Edition or Collector’s Edition.
And that is the various available Summon Materia you can acquire in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, each unique on its own with its special abilities suited for specific encounters. Most of them are actually quite easy to obtain and not locked behind difficult conditions, so don’t be afraid to be locked out.
One additional tip we would give regarding the Summons is that if you are one that depends a lot on them, equipping the Mythical Amulet is recommended. This accessory can be acquired by clearing the “Bond of Trust” side quest in Chapter 10 and it further strengthens the Summons, making it extremely useful.

Aside from the Summons, we also have a guide to unlocking all the available weapons in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, as well as the essential side quests to complete and where to find the hidden Cactuars.
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is available now on the PlayStation 5 as of February 29th, 2024.