Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak has announced the details for Title Update 3, which sees the return of Chaotic Gore Magala as well as expansions to endgame content.
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Title Update 3 will release on November 24th, giving players a chance to take their followers on even more quests, including the game’s Anomaly Quests.
These quests will also have a raised level cap, now able to be pushed to level 200 with the new A7 tier, and the following monsters:
- Flaming Espinas
- Scorned Magnamalo
- Seething Bazelgeuse
- Furious Rajang
- Silver Rathalos
- Gold Rathian
The update will also introduce changes to Qurious Crafting, which will now allow you to choose to augment for stability (raising defense) or to roll for random skills.
Following the previous update’s introduction of Risen Chameleos, this update will see the addition of two more Risen Elder Dragons, with classic monsters Kushala Daora and Teostra getting their updated fights.
Risen Kushala will be available at MR120, while Risen Teostra will be available at MR140.
However, this update also introduces one new monster: Chaotic Gore Magala, the in-between form of Gore and Shagaru Magala for players to hunt.
This gold-and-black Elder Dragon will be available to hunt from MR10, meaning that players who complete the main story for Sunbreak will be able to take on the hunt.
Finally, they also introduced a host of new paid content as well, such as DLC Layered Weapon Skins that turn all your weapons into plushies based off the various Monsters of Sunbreak.