Well you can’t really be like Midas since everything he touches turns to gold. At least he’s rich though. Gold has been a very important resource in Valiant Force. You always need it to train your heroes’ skills, weapon upgrades or buying items off the market. So how do you go from broke to rich dope?
Method 1: Fatten the cow – then sell

You can train fodders and sell them. Fodders? What fodders? Well those monsters that you get actually. You can max level those fodders that are of no use to you for example a 1 Star or a 2 Star monster. Since they are maxed at 10 and 15, you can sell them off which would give you pretty good gold in return. You can just bring them along missions with you and they will level up in no time!
Method 2: Gold Event
Yes we all know that the Gold Event gives gold (duh!). But one thing stands in your way is that there are a limited number of turns to make your move in the dungeon. And the high tier gold drops in the lower floors! So how do you get down there?
You’ll need a team that can dish out high damage. Auras that can trigger a 2nd attack or buffs attacks are very helpful. For example heroes like, Cybelle and Zedd (Mind Warder). So these hereos are to attack first to trigger the chances of their aura. You’ll also need a Dragoon (Freya or Fiona) in your team due to her high mobility to get to the stairs. Add in a Magebane for AoE damage to clear off as many as possible to reveal the stairs early so that you can plan your next move.
Depending on how far you are at the game, you should be doing Legendary Gold Event. At that point, your team should consist of a few 4 Stars and 5 Stars. There is no one way to play the game. As long as you understand the placement based on the Auras to work and you should do fine. It is best to prioritize to enter the stairs to move down. The lower you go the higher chances to get the 5 stars gold drops especially when you get to the boss.
Well that’s about it for a short guide to farming gold. Happy farming!
Credits and Source: Nightingale (Valiant Force forums)