After numerous delays, Arc System Works has announced the dates for the rollback netcode beta test of Dragon Ball FighterZ.
As announced through the game’s official Twitter, Bandai Namco Entertainment has scheduled the rollback beta test for Dragon Ball FighterZ on Windows PC via Steam from 30 November 2023 and 10 December 2023.

In the announcement video, producer Tomoko Hiroki came about and apologized for the multiple delays as she unveiled the beta dates.
The rollback netcode beta test will be open to the public and be available to all users on Steam who own Dragon Ball FighterZ.
However, no dates for any rollback netcode test for consoles version of the game has been announced.
Hiroki expressed that she and the development teams are grateful for the patience of fans as they worked hard to build a satisfying online environment.

For those wondering, rollback netcode is something that many fans have asked for as it helps improve the online stability of fighting games and reduces delays and latency that players experience, especially compared to the delay-based netcode.
The rollback netcode is especially crucial for competitive plays and many modern fighting games have implemented such as netcode including Guilty Gear Strive, Street Fighter 6, and King of Fighters 15.
Dragon Ball FighterZ receiving rollback netcode integration was not something kept in the dark as the developers had announced that the game would receive it along with the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S versions during the EVO 2022 tournament.
As mentioned, Dragon Ball FighterZ will be having its rollback netcode beta on Windows PC via Steam from 30 November 2023 and 10 December 2023.