Everyone’s favourite stinky Blood Fiend Power shoots her way into Nikke: Goddess of Victory for the Chainsaw Man collab.
She is an SSR Burst Type III Rocket Launcher Fire Attacker with self buffing skills that increases her own overall capabilities.
Power Kit
Her first skill, Blood Fiend activates when attacking with Full Charge. This skill only affects herself and buffs up her ATK which can stack up to 5 times.
Her second skill called Blood Explosion and it activates when at Max Stacks of Blood Fiend after landing 18 normal attacks. Affecting herself, Blood Explosion increases her weapon explosion radius and reloads her weapon completely. (Can only activate 1 time per stage)
Lastly, Power’s burst skill, Blood Hammer deals an insane single target damage to the enemy with the highest ATK. Her Burst can also deal double the damage to the same target when her Blood Fiend is fully stacked
Power is pretty much what you’d expect from a Burst III unit. She works insanely well as a boss killer thanks to her ridiculous ATK output from her Burst skill. Not to mention how you could potentially double that output when you have her Blood Fiend stacks fully stacked up.
Not to mention her first skill is overall great since ATK buff is generally one of the better buffs in the game. It’s also pretty easy to build up stacks since you just need to fully charge up your weapon before attacking.
Power lacks any sort of defense capabilities to protect herself, making her reliant to her teammates in keeping her alive. And while she can buff up herself up with her Skill 1 & 2, the damage scaling is pretty low compared to other Nikkes in the game.
Should You Pull
Power is a premium pick up for a dedicated boss killer with the amount of damage she can do to a single unit. Despite being a Rocket Launcher unit, she has both Single Target and AOE capabilities, making her versatile when filling team comps.
Not to mention, Power is a limited unit and won’t be returning to game once the collab ends. Making this the only time you can add her to your collection of Nikkes.