Pokemon has been a huge part of our lives ever since the game was released on the Gameboy back in 1996. Then a Trading Card Game based on the Pocket Monsters emerged during the 2000 millennium and it became a hit among people of all ages. This was once a part of our childhood but nonetheless, with the advancement of technology, the TCG has evolved as well and it has been in the App Store and Google Play Store since 2011 and 2016 respectively.
Since the game’s release, there has been many expansion packs and updates with additions of cards from different generations of Pokemon. Now this coming November, Pokemon TCG Online will be adding in Ultra Beasts from the new Pokemon Sun & Moon generation. The coming expansion will be added on the 3rd of November with the title Crimson Invasion.

In the coming expansion, there will be 8 GX cards like Gyarados GX and Silvally-GX, along with other Alolan Pokemon like Exeggutor and Marowak. Just like when a new expansion arrives in stores back in the days, it comes with its own built deck. Players will be able to get that as well in-game as a pre-constructed deck named Destruction Fang and Clanging Thunder to choose from with each containing 60 cards each.
With the new update, it will finally complete the story of the Alolan invasion with the decisive battle between Silvally-GX and allies or the nasty Ultra Beasts. So fans of Pokemon or even new fans of the Pokemon story can join in the battle and be part of the TCG community.