Alright Overwatch fans, you heard what daddy-Jeff said. A new hero was just introduced just last night which let us in on her juicy bits and what she can do. She’s not just any support but one that can literally bash you in the face with her rocket flail! As a support player in Overwatch (because of obvious reasons), this has been a really great news for all support players.
Brigitte was introduced in the video as a support hero which holds a shield on one hand and a flail on the other. Seeing from her origins video, she is the daughter of Torbjorn, and she is hot! (phew!) Just like her father, she specializes in armor and can throw Repair Packs to heal her teammates. Whenever she damages nearby foes with her Flail, she heals nearby allies as well.

As her story unfolds, we could see Reinhardt in the video as well along with her parents. Reinhardt being her godfather made perfect sense that her skills, paired with her motivation to be on the battlefield as a support that heals and shields allies. Yes, she has a Barrier Shield that provides personal defense and anyone that is directly behind it. Though I assume it’s not as large of a shield as Reinhardt’s, Brigitte gains an ability called Shield Bash after putting her Barrier Shield down that stuns anyone that’s too close briefly as she charges forward a short distance.
While her support ultimate, Rally, is very helpful in situations that provides long-lasting armor to all nearby allies, it also boosts her speed during the activation. Her Rally radius is supposed to be as large as Zenyatta’s Transcendence or Lucio’s Sound Barrier according to Jeff.