In Unicorn Overlord, like in most RPGs, resources such as gold and levels played a huge importance in ensuring you gained the upper advantage in combat. As you progress through Unicorn Overlord, gold, Honors, Renown, and your characters’ experiences become ever more essential for effective units in battles as you work on growing your army.
Without the right approach, farming up these resources can be a tedious and exhausting process, so here are some of the best methods to earn gold, Honors, and EXP in Unicorn Overlord with great efficiency.

Gold is your main resource for purchasing equipment from Armorer and useful items from Provisioner. As you progress through the game, equipment can become more expensive and you would require a hefty sum to purchase them for your characters.
Once you reach the end game, you would also need to farm up Fevrite to enhance your equipment, which does push your weapons or shields up to the maximum stats.
There are 3 main ways to acquire Fevrite:
- 50K Gold at the Black Markets (Albion and Bastorias)
- 2K Coliseum Coins at the Coliseum Prize Exchanged (The first Fevrite cost 1K Coliseum Coins)
- Mining (random chance)
As such, mining is inefficient, while farming up gold to spend is the most feasible way to acquire Fevrite.
For the most efficient way to earn gold, you would need to unlock some of the auxiliary stages from the Sigil of the Ancients questline, which are repeatable battles. A few of these stages are relatively easy to clear with the right setup, and here are some we recommend for gold farming.
Here are some important things to get prepared first.
Necessary Class:
- Gryphon Master as Leader (or Gryphon Knight if you have not unlocked the class yet)
- Rogue
Gryphon can fly and ignore the barricades, allowing them to essentially skip most of the battles by traveling through mountains. Not to mention, by spending 1 Valor point on its Valor Skill for speed boost, you can beeline straight to the boss without much hassle most of the time.
Meanwhile, Rogue is there for the occasional Plunder, stealing gold from enemies.
Recommended Equipment:
- Golden Egg x5 (User’s Unit Earns +100% Gold)
- Bandit’s Longsword (User’s Unit Earns +100% Gold)
- Bandit’s Handaxe (User’s Unit Earns +100% Gold)
- Miser’s Bracelet (User’s Unit Earns +200% Gold, PP -1)
- Gold Goblet (User’s Unit Earns +200% Gold)
Most of these items can be acquired by completing side quests or clearing treasure map quests found from mining. Golden Eggs would be the easiest to obtain, as they could just be purchased from Black Markets. Is alright if you don’t own all the listed items, as long as you stack as much equipment that grants bonus gold earned.
The goal here is to clear the stage as fast as possible, and if an opportunity arises, utilize Plunder once or twice along the way for additional gold. Note that the gold gained from Plunder is not affected by the passive that grants bonus gold earned, but it is still a great way to earn gold in the early game.

Apart from gold, there is also Honor, another form of currency vital to unlock several important features such as expanding unit size in Unicorn Overlord. There are no items that could increase the Honor gained from battles and the only way to earn them with a bonus is from your Fame Rank and how fast you clear stages. Hence by farming gold, you will be earning Honor simultaneously.
After unlocking all possible unit promotions and expansions, you will be spending Honors mostly on enhancing weapons with each costing 50 Honors. You will also be trading Honors for Idealist’s Handmirror, a consumable for changing the growth type of characters, from the Town Girl NPC in the Walled City of Peyston. We do not recommend spending gold for Idealist’s Handmirror on the Black Market.

Sigil’s Trial to Farm
For efficiency, there are 3 best Sigil’s Trial auxiliary stages to farm, mostly due to the positioning of enemies, allowing you to beeline to the boss effectively. Bosses generally drop 10x the gold, so by slaying the target with a full stack of buffs that grant bonus gold, you will gain more or less 20K gold per run, around 40 seconds including load times.
Moderate 2
This Sigil’s Trial is the easiest and fastest to clear. Drop in your Gryphon, full speed ahead and rush to the boss. However, you may be required to deal with an extra battle outside of the stage boss as Wyvern Riders are patrolling the area to get to your base.
Moderate 3
The best Sigil’s Trial stage to utilize Plunder. We advise you not to use speed buff if you intend to Plunder.
If the stage boss spawns on the left, it would be in ballista range, which we advise you not to enter. Instead, fly around it and plunder the 3 Elven Fencer, then beeline straight to the stage boss.

If the boss spawns on the right side, then just beeline to it. Do remember to use Plunder for some extra gold. Also, do remember to station 1 unit to defend your base while you are venturing to the boss.

Expert 2
This particular Sigil’s Trial is quite a tricky stage, depending on your unit compositions and strength. If the unit leader possesses mobility of at least 130, then it would be similarly easy to the previously suggested stages. There are times that the stage may spawn a few archers that could cast a debuff on you multiple times to stop your movement.
This would not be an issue if your unit leader has above 130 mobility, and with the speed buff from Gryphon Master, you could beeline to the boss without any hassle.

EXP Farming
Well, how about farming experiences for your characters? Since clearing Sigil’s Trial grants Military Treatises, the game’s “EXP books”, ultimately, repeatedly clearing them swiftly makes for the most efficient method to gain experiences.
If you are already looking to max out a character above level 40, clearing the Zenith difficulty Trial would be the best option as it rewards Supreme Military Treatises, which grants 10K EXP. Leveling from level 49 to level 50 would only require about 100K EXP, thus you would only need about 2 runs of Zenith Sigil’s Trial to level up 1 character to the max.
As mentioned, effectively farming resources would require you to unlock the repeatable Sigil’s Trials. If you are unsure where to find them, you can refer to our guide on it. We hope this guide helps you out in efficiently grinding up resources and building up your dream army. Good luck and have fun.