Goddess of Victory Nikke is finally one year old now and to celebrate the occasion, the official 1st anniversary livestream showcased a plethora of content that players can expect in game.
CEO Annual Battle Report
Starting off the livestream was a quick segment where they had the CEOs of the four companies list out some interesting in-game stats, such as the total deployment rate of the NIKKEs from each of the companies.
Annual Event & Update Optimisation

New Rapture
A new Tyrant level boss named Ultra has been introduced, where it will debut through the main storyline Chapter 26 along with the story event “RED ASH”.

Introduced during the first Nikke livestream are two new NIKKEs, the first one being Red Hood. She is an Iron Code Burst I~III Sniper Attacker under the Goddess squad.

The next NIKKE that was introduced is Snow White: Innocent Days, who is an Iron code Burst III Assault Rifle Attacker under the same Goddess squad as Red Hood.

New Outfits
Two new outfits were revealed during the livestream, one for Dorothy and one for Harran.

Chapter 25 ~ 26 Teaser Trailer
Offline Events & SEA Tour


Future Updates

Rewards & Redeem Code


That’s all from Nikke’s first anniversary livestream, the rewards will start coming in on 2nd November 2023 so we’ll see you then Commanders!