The Genshin Impact version 3.5 update is soon approaching, along comes with a plethora of content coming to the game. Without further ado, here’s what the new update has in store for us.
New Characters
5 Star Pyro Claymore – Dehya 4 Star Cryo Polearm – Mika
New Event Wishes
Phase 1 with Deyha and Cyno Rate Up
Phase 2 with Mika, Kamisato Ayaka and Shenhe Rate Up
New Weapon
New Archon Quests
The new Archon Quest titled “Caribert” will see the return of everyone’s favourite mysterious Khaenri’ah character Dainsleif.
New Events 
The version 3.5 update will bring in a new hangout quest with the renowned professor of the Sumeru Akademiya and member of the Haravatat Darshan – Faruzan. For all the Faruzan enthusiasts out there, this will be the perfect opportunity to know more about Faruzan’s personality.
Participating in the new Windblume’s Breath event will net players a new 4 Star Claymore Mailed Flower, along with other enticing rewards such as the new Unfading Silky Grace accessory, primogems, etc.
Primogem Codes
And not forgetting the most important piece of information from the livestream, the primogem codes. The codes are as follows:
That’s all from the Genshin Impact version livestream highlights, we’ll see you in 3.5, travellers!