As part of the celebration to the first anniversary of the global release for Exos Heroes, countdown with new events for goodies or chances at select Fatecores! The Choice Fatecore Re’ pick up event is live for the seven “The Reversed World” themed Fatecores, featuring Heroes in costumes depicting them in a parallel world. Until 20 May, players will be able to choose one of the following “The Reversed World” Fatecores to obtain at a higher chance:
- The White Warlord, Garff
- Golden-Eyed Ogre, Uloom
- Red Baker, Lyungen
- The Strongest Sheep, Brook
- Eastern Monarchy, Mahar
- Knight of Black Sword, Valarr
- Grey Light Princess, Benevas
The goodies to countdown to Exos Heroes‘ global launch anniversary include:
- 7 Days of Gifts event: Obtain gifts including 700 Xes, 5 Nation Recruit Tickets, 50 Dye Coupons, and more to all players logging in to the game
- Premium Recruit event: Up to 55 recruits are available for all players
The above listed events will be running until 27 May, so don’t miss out on getting new Heroes!