Chris Hemsworth was definitely the hottest man on the set of Extraction 2, at least physically, in an interview with him and the director of the Netflix movie.
While talking about highlights during their process, Chris Hemsworth joked that being lit on fire for the prison scene in Extraction 2 was a clever way of keeping warm in the snow.
“I enjoyed lighting Chris Hemsworth on fire”, said Sam Hargrave, director on Extraction 2.
“[I] Enjoyed it because it was snowing, so I was like, light me up, it is freezing”, Chris added on.
Sam also clarified that it roasting the actor wasn’t a one-and-done deal, with them doing it multiple times for different takes.
“I think we [lit Chris on fire] seven or eight times. I think it was, yeah, eight, I think”, he says.
Chris even explained the methodology for treating one of Hollywood’s biggest stars like a Wicker Man:
“We’d have this flammable liquid over my jacket. Everyone had to be very quiet set. They’d light me and a few people on fire and in action and by the end of the sequence I think I punched throat kick. If you guys, the instruction was if the fire is not out because it should burn off by then, just put it out yourself”, he says.
While it may have been laughs during the press conference, Chris had earlier acknowledged that the whole stunt was a risky process, owing the spectacle to the risk.

“I’m over it now, but it was terrifying. But I think we all knew. You know, the elevated risk was going to give us an elevated performance and elevated effect I think for an audience”, he said.
Sam also expressed his gratitude to the team for their trust in his vision, saying Chris Hemsworth and his willingness to immolate for art were necessary for the vision of Extraction 2.
“I think watching Chris put himself on the line day after day, like lighting yourself on fire for for all of you, it wasn’t just because he was cold out, it was for all of you. I think that deserves a round of applause”, he says.

That wasn’t the only highlight of their production, though- Sam and Chris were very particular that the “wonder” of the movie was its biggest selling point- highlighting another setpiece on top of an actual train.
“I feel like I answered that the same way in the first film because that was probably what we were most proud of. This is even bigger and larger and more exciting and and there were more variables and larger component of risks as well. When we’re, you know, I was on top of the train, the train was moving it, on what speed?”, Chris asks.
“We’re 40, 50 miles an hour, like it’s moving”, Sam continues, before elaborating that the train was, in fact, a real object and not a stage setup.
“It’s snowing. We’re in the Czech Republic and there’s a helicopter about 20 feet in front of me flying backwards”, he adds.
He even elaborated on the whole herculean task, showing it was just as hectic behind the camera as it was doing the stunts on the train.
“Probably one of the craziest things we did on Extraction 2 was land a helicopter on a moving train”, Sam said.
“That was probably the most difficult shot for me because I was operating the camera and I don’t know if you have been under a helicopter trying to keep itself off the ground.”, he explains. “There’s a lot of force that allows that bird to fly and walking under that’s like walking into a hurricane. So to to walk along beside it, we’re close enough where I could reach out and touch the pilot. We could have high-fived if we wanted to. That was difficult. That was a difficult shot to, you know, not get blown off the train”
Chris even chimed in to elaborate that the helicopter was in on the stunt too, with six guys having to disembark from the vehicle before the Helicopter takes off.

“For Chris though, like he he also, you know, that was a difficult shot, but he and I did this kind of interesting little dance and it seems simple, like the shot doesn’t seem as complicated when you see it in the movie”, Sam continues.
“But after that when he shoots down a helicopter, we had to do this little dosey dough on the top of moving train and it was so cold”, he explains. “It’s below 0, just the temperature, air temperature. But then you’re moving at 50 miles an hour and the winds blowing and you feel your about the face is about to fall off”.
“We had to do this little dance and he had to act up there like a, you know, stone cold killer. And I know all they wanted to do was like get something around my face. I’m freezing. But I think that was one of the hardest things. I mean, I know that we did together because the chopper was right in front of him. We had to dance around on a moving train. It was wild”, Sam closes.
The comments come from a press event for Extraction 2, the follow up to the original action blockbuster starring Chris Hemsworth based on the graphic novel Ciudad by Andre Parks.
Extraction 2 releases on Netflix on June 16th,.