In a letter from PD Kim YongHa, he revealed the news wherein Blue Archive will be having two app versions in order to comply with regulations. The full letter can be read verbatim below:
Greetings, Sensei!
Did you enjoy the Valentine’s Day Event with Wakamo? Looking at the community today, many Senseis have recently joined us here at Blue Archive. Also, I hope you’ll enjoy the new event story, “The Clumsy Sister and the Magician of the Old Library.” You’ll get to meet the new students, Ui and Hinata. And you’ll have a chance to earn Trinity Academy materials by completing the Event Tasks!
Today I would like to address something outside of our game updates.
This September, we received a guideline from the Korean Game Rating and Administration Committee to either adjust the game’s art and resources or raise the game’s age rating. The quickest and easiest response would have been to make those adjustments.
However, thinking of the Aris scene’s adjustment last time and as a PD, I was worried about negatively affecting our Senseis’ game experience with repeated changes if and when similar issues happen to arise in the future. And so, we on the development team have decided to raise the game’s age rating so that Senseis can enjoy our original content, and then we’ll create another app version of the game containing the adjusted resources.
The version with the adjusted resources will undergo a thorough review so we don’t damage the characters’ visual personalities. We will always notify you of any changes made in the adjusted version.
To note, these separate game versions will not affect your accounts in any way. Please feel free to select the version appropriate for your age and enjoy the game without concern.
When a game is in live operations, conditions outside of the actual game can sometimes cause unexpected issues and changes, but we will respond thoroughly to any such issues so that you may continue enjoying Blue Archive with as little disturbance to your gameplay experience as possible.
There are many other events we have been preparing outside of the game itself that I will announce the next time we speak.
I hope we meet again soon, Sensei!
Yongha Kim
You can read about the Aris situation here, which led to review bombing. You can see why the team would rather avoid that situation from happening again. We’ll have to see how you may choose to opt in to the separate versions of Blue Archive, or when they will go live. In any case, fans have gotten assurance that besides compliance, it will not affect their general gameplay experience otherwise.
You can read comments about how similarly “raunchy” games should opt to do the same, least of all for NIKKE: Goddess of Victory whose character designs skirt conservative sensibility.