Doctor Strange is coming to Marvel Super War!
The Facebook page for Marvel Super War has announced the arrival of the Sorcerer Supreme. Here’s what the post has to say:
“A car crash robbed him of his surgical hands, but the Sorcerer Supreme arose with mastery of mystical energies to rival his medical expertise. On Jan 16, keeping pace with the beginning of Season 1, Doctor Strange (Class: Power) will arrive in MARVEL Super War!”
At first glance, it may seem like this Dr Strange is based on the MCU version depicted by Benedict Cumberbatch. But upon closer inspection, we can see that only the face and the leather belt draws inspiration from the MCU version.
The cape, the Eye of Agamotto, and the design on his chest seem to be based on his comic version. Overall, I really like the mashup of the two.
However, the aesthetic of this Dr Strange seems to use the MCU’s golden-orange arcane runes. He also sports some wicked looking boots to finish the look. The background also has the Eye of Agomotto motif. This seems to imply that he will be using time magic in his arsenal, alongside his spellcasting prowess.
Vivian from team Marvel Super War says that Dr Strange will be a Power-Type hero. While they’ve been a bit inconsistent with the usage of Power/Energy, it’s safe to say that he will be a damage dealer.
There’s also a possibility that he’ll flexed into a support role, if he has a good amount of Crowd Control/CC. But only time will tell (hehe) for the Master of Time, The Sorcerer Supreme: Dr Strange. Be sure to keep your eyes out for our future coverage for Stephen Strange. As we inch closer to his release date on 16th January, we’ll definitely talk about him more!