We’ve mentioned Bookbound Brigade before, and we’ve got a bit more information this time! Have a look at the trailer again.
You can have up to 8 members in a Brigade! While they support each other and engage different enemies, they are basically a single entity that you, the player, control. You can get your Brigade members new skills, special moves and bonuses, and they’ll be able to fight tougher challengers and access new areas.
What’s a Brigade if they don’t move in formation? We know four right now: a Standard formation, Line, Column and Wheel. Standard is your default balanced formation. Line makes it easier for you to go through narrow passages while also increasing speed and attack, at the cost of lower defense. Column is the opposite, allowing access to vertical platforms with increased defense but lower speed and attack. Last but not least is the Wheel formation where you can progress through a stage quickly and roll over enemies. You can’t use normal moves in this formation though.
The world of Bookbound Brigade is non-linear, with areas broken up into themed locations. Access them through the Hub area, the Library. Each area has its unique identity and both historical and literary inspirations for you explore. Face down never-ending waves of enemy minions as you move forward. Boss fights will test your pattern recognition skills and your use of environmental items.
Accept quests from a variety of colourful characters and help restore the torn pages of cultural heritage. Memory is your currency, and you’ll need it to fight and banish monsters and piece the stories back together. You’ll learn about the characters through their bios and a mini wiki.
Play through drawings come to live peppered with parodies of cartoon violence for comic relief. Look forward to Bookbound Brigade sometime in Q4 2019 for the Playstation 4, Nintendo Switch and Steam at $19.99!